teach me howvtp design my site like netzywap.xtgem.com... have created the blog functions.... I just need to design it like netzywap help me...
http://iwahp.xtgem com
OluwaTofunmi First copy netzywap.xtgem.com css below
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://nellwap.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/My_Tools/Css/Facebook.css" media="all, handheld">
Copy code Then request for other netzywap codes one by one.
Unlimitedapps I need the code that will allow me to add pictures to topics like netzywap
OluwaTofunmi He used the xtgem blog for that function.
XtBlog twig tutorial ..Create a folder named
_xtgem_templates ..direct in your file browser @
http://xtgem.com/filebrowser , inside the folder, Import the below url in the code box via remote server and rename to
xtblog.twig then check your blog page!
Copy code To post topic with images, go to your xtgem site @
http://xtgem.com/account/panel , look up for where you see
Quick post»
Image»Chose the site u want to post to, enter the title of the post e.g
HOW TO MOD 2GO, select an image you want to use for the post from your
Memory Card, Enter the
Description, which is the body of the post, after that,
Enter Tags, and seperate with
, the tags, will be related to the posts, e.g
2go, Mod Etc.
Unlimitedapps Thanks.. I will be back for more
Unlimitedapps hey, am back.. Give me weezywap main menu code and how to upload stuffs and app in it please
OluwaTofunmi Copy main menu below
<div style="text-align: center;"><div class="tmn"><div class="rmenu"><b><div style='border:1px dotted white'><b>
<center><font face="comic sans" size="10" color="white"> U_A MAIN MENU</font></center></b></div></div></div><div style="background-color:black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/Guestbook"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/Guestbook1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">GUESTBOOK</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/moddingtoolz"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/Tools1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">MODDING TOOLS AND JAVA APPS</b></a></div></b><br></div></div></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/whatsapp/ARENA"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Pic/Whatsapp.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">WHATSAPP ARENA</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/fb/ARENA"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Admin/Facebook1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">FACEBOOK ARENA</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Forum"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/forum.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">FORUM</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/Musics"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/Music1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author"
style="color: white;">NAIJA MUSIC DOWNLOADS</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/All_games"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/App1.png" alt="" /><br/><b style="color: white;"> GAMES<br/>DOWNLOAD CENTER</b></a></div><br/></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/Tutorials"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/Tutorial1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author" style="color: white;">CHEATS | TUTORIALS</b></a></div></b><br></div><div style="background-color: black; border: 3px double white"><b><br><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://unlimitedapps.net/Funny 2go Pictures"><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/Themes1.png" alt="" /><br/><b class="xt_blog_comment_author" style="color: white;">FUNNY PICTURES</b></a></div></b><br></div>
Copy code Create the pages and link them up to it.
Unlimitedapps Thanks...I created a download folder but I did not see code editor there so I create another a file and name it download then paste the download code there.. Am I wright?
OluwaTofunmi If you want to create a download page, create it directly inside your filebrowser @