teach me howvtp design my site like netzywap.xtgem.com... have created the blog functions.... I just need to design it like netzywap help me...
http://iwahp.xtgem com
OluwaTofunmi He used the xtgem blog for that function.
XtBlog twig tutorial ..Create a folder named
_xtgem_templates ..direct in your file browser @
http://xtgem.com/filebrowser , inside the folder, Import the below url in the code box via remote server and rename to
xtblog.twig then check your blog page!
Copy code To post topic with images, go to your xtgem site @
http://xtgem.com/account/panel , look up for where you see
Quick post»
Image»Chose the site u want to post to, enter the title of the post e.g
HOW TO MOD 2GO, select an image you want to use for the post from your
Memory Card, Enter the
Description, which is the body of the post, after that,
Enter Tags, and seperate with
, the tags, will be related to the posts, e.g
2go, Mod Etc.