Gbemicharles I think i know where the problem come from, you are usin uc browser version 9.5. And if yes then try using opera mini or speed uc b/c the xame thing happen to me while using that version 9.5
Keyarn Yea....alryt i will follow your instructions...Thanks.
Gbemicharles To open your wapka site on uc browser, click on
Website Preference»
Desktop then save!
When you want to login to a forum with custom domain on xtgem, you then change it back to mobile!
Unlimitedapps Am able to access the site...but i dnt think i need it again
Gbemicharles I want to upload game frm ur site to my site hw will i do it
Gbemicharles I have given you a download page code before!
Unlimitedapps Alryt gv me dix code pls Ads: Click Here Now To Follow Us On Twitter And Get Free Recharge Card Daily!
Unlimitedapps Help me edit this code whenever i add it to a page every thing in the page will be at the centre and i didnt want that.
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