Keyarn First Of All, Make sure that your
Blog Settingsis upto date.
Now goto your site forum bottom content(footer) and paste the below code in wml/xhtml:
<div id="start" class="x" name="webschool"><span class="nlfooter">Updates</span><form method="post" action="blog_0.xhtml">Image Url: <input name="blog_title" value="http://"/>:admin-hash-input: <input type="hidden" name="fnc" value="new"/><script type="text/javascript"> document. write('<input name="blog_body" value="[url=http://webschool.com:getid-url:]' + document.title+'[/url]" size=""/>' ); </script><br/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Post" class=""/></form></div>
Copy code NOTE: Replace Webschool.com to ur website name at the above code. Now goto your site homepage and paste the below code there:
<div class="nlfooter" align="center"><b>TRENDING UPDATES</b></div><div class=""><ul class="disclosure table group">
<div class="x"><table><tbody><tr><td align='left' valign='top'><img src="%title%" width="60" height="65"/></td><td valign='top'><li class="page_item page-item-167">%text-220%</li>
:: :/bloglist: :paging:n=:geti-number(1):,u=site_:getid-site:.%ext%?get-number=%n%:admin-hash-amp::: <div class=''><div align='center'><li class="pagination" style=""><span class="next">%prev%</span> <span class="prev">%next%</span></li></div></div> <style>.hta%nlast%{ display: none;} .ht:get-number(1):{ display: none;}</style>:/paging: </ul>
Copy code
Webschool Ok thanks!. But plz can i replace the home page code with the one you give me b4 b/c i need my home page view to be lyk nairahints.com
Keyarn Am not sure it will work, but you can try it out.
Webschool But am usin all his css but the
div class omenu is not working on my site or shud i paste the css in all my page b/c i only paste at my header!
Keyarn Paste the css @ your top auto content or on your headtags!
Unlimitedapps Plz i want to know how i can creat new theme and it shows on my home page and i av aready post the blog code at my home page.but if i droped new them then it will not show on my home page or else i use the script on my forum footer but in that one i can only put the title but no discription!!!!!!!!. Plz teach me againg
Keyarn Bt u said u need nairahints tendin updates did nairahints has a description in the post, if yes u let me knw.
Webschool Yes you can check it your self, just click on any post and see what by description @
http://nairahints.com and even the one i paste doesnt show the image and i use the correct image url@