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* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps is it create file or folder? Coz I created file and when I pasted the code it did not work
2016-09-03 06:12 · (0)
* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps is it create file or folder? Coz I created file and when I pasted the code it did not work
2016-09-03 06:14 · (0)
* Unlimitedapps * OluwaTofunmi Use Create file (HTML Web page)
2016-09-03 06:28 · (0)
* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps You dont understand me... I meant I copy file list code and created a file under file browser then I pasted the code but when I paste the code, it brought out another page and the code editor was empty.... Now please give me a file list code and where to paste it.. Please explain it well
2016-09-03 07:21 · (0)
* Unlimitedapps * OluwaTofunmi Copy the filelist and the download page code below, replace the ones in capital letters, create a file named 'download' direct in ur file browser ..and paste the download page code in it..replace the div class names in the download page with urs ..
<center><xt:filelist sort_type="updated" sort_dir="desc" folder="/FOLDER" template="&lt;table width='100%'&gt;&lt;tr&gt;&lt;td width='25%' class='DIV_CLASS' align='center'&gt;&lt;img src='http://iMAGE_PREVIEW_LINK.png' width='100%' height='100%'&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;td width='75%' align='left' class='DIV_CLASS'&gt;&lt;img src='http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Admin/rating.gif'/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;Name: &lt;/b&gt;&lt;b style='color:blue'&gt;.file_name_parsed.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;File Size: &lt;/b&gt;&lt;b style='color:green'&gt;.file_size.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;b&gt;•   &lt;/b&gt;&lt;a href='/download?file=.file_name.&name=.file_name_parsed.&category=.file_mime.&size=.file_size.&href=.file_url.&date=.file_date.&time=.file_time.'&gt;&lt;b style='color:red'&gt;Download Now!&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/table&gt;" filter="*.*" per_page="5" /><br/>Jump to page:<form action="<xt:url type="path" />" method="get"><input type="text" style="width:25px" name="__filelist_page"><input
type="submit" value="jump"></form></center>

Copy code
create a file named download direct in ur filebrowser ..dont put it in any folder ..inside the download ..enter the code below
<div class="header"><center><b>File Statistics</b></center></div>
<div class="menu"><b>Name:</b> <b style=color:red;>{_$name|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="menu"><b>File size:</b> <b style=color:red;>{_$size|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="menu"><b>Category:</b> <b style=color:red;>{_$category|No File Referred To}</b></div>
<div class="menu"><b>Time Of Upload:</b> <b style=color:red;>{_$time|Not Available}</b></div>
<div class="menu"><b>Date Of Upload:</b> <b style=color:red;>{_$date|Not Available}</b></div>
<div class="menu"><a href="{_$href|404}"><center><img src="http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/images/download_icon2.png"></center></a></div><br/><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="33%" bgcolor="" class="DIV_CLASS" align="center"><b>URL</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="{_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}"></input></td><td width="34%" bgcolor="" class="DIV_CLASS" align="center"><b>HTML</b><br/><input type='text' size='5%' value='<a href="{_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}">Download {_$name|Nothing}</a>'></input></td><td width="33%" bgcolor="" class="DIV_CLASS" align="center"><b>BB CODE</b><br/><input type="text" size="5%" value="[url={_$href|http://<xt:url type="domain"/>/index}]Download {_$name|Nothing}[/url]"></input></td></tr></table>

Copy code
2016-09-03 07:44 · (0)
* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps What will I replace the onces in capital letters to and what will I replace the div class to
2016-09-03 12:47 · (0)
* Unlimitedapps * OluwaTofunmi For example, create a folder inside your filebrowser @ http://xtgem.com/filebrowser named music then inside it is where you will be uploading your musics. You can then create a page named Musics and paste the filelist code there..
Note: You must replace the folder of the files which is music in the filelist code where you see FOLDER ..for the DIV CLASS, you have to choose any of the div class from the css stylesheet you are using on your site!
2016-09-03 13:04 · (0)
* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps Am using netzywap css so please give me the div class because I don't get the div class
2016-09-03 13:07 · (0)
* Unlimitedapps * OluwaTofunmi Below are some of the div classes in netzywap css, you can use anyone that will suite your taste!

name, zxfourborder, full, error, bmenu
Do not include the comma sign (,)
2016-09-03 13:26 · (0)
* OluwaTofunmi * Unlimitedapps So which one can I use?
2016-09-03 13:29 · (0)

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