Unlimitedapps It nt dat i cnt use it but am unable to copy it bcus the code will be to large for my phone to copy pls help me paste it
Gbemicharles My new phones clipboard can't copy the code, copy from the source code viewer with a symbian phone or android phone, or better still use a pc!
Unlimitedapps What will i input in the source code viewer is it the url to the page....or the name of ur site
Gbemicharles Input the url of the page you want to view the source code!
Unlimitedapps Is wapka nt functioning again
Gbemicharles Why did you ask, any problem?
Unlimitedapps I have a site on wapka bt a guy threatened me that he will hack my site....since tht day whenever i visit my site or want to login to it will only display a blank page... Am now thinking is he really him or wapka closed down i didnt knw that's why am asking