Unlimitedapps Do it for me.. I will get it ... Please try it and see
OluwaTofunmi Ok inbox me your login details
Unlimitedapps How will I create pages that will not show on my site.. I mean how I will create a page and add the link to the main menu code you gave me and the original page will not show on the site
OluwaTofunmi To create a page on your site, go to your filebrowser @
http://xtgem.com/filebrowser and move down to where you see *Create file*, click on it and input the pages name and select *HTML web page* then save!
Unlimitedapps How can I make a whatsapp arena like yours?
Unlimitedapps Teach me how to do it not direct me to already created one
Unlimitedapps Guy I create a folder and named it game.. And I could not upload files inside... Abeg how ah go take do am?
OluwaTofunmi Go to the folder and click on *Upload file* then choose the file you want to upload click *Ok* to start uploading!