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i) Buying and Assembling: The wholesaler purchases goods in
large quantities from different manufacturers and assembles them
at one place and stores them in his warehouse and resell to the retailers.
ii) Warehousing;
By preserving the goods received
from different manufacturers in stores, the wholesaler performs the function of warehousing. The storage of
goods is needed on account of time lag between production and consumption of goods.
iii) Grading and Packaging;
The assembled goods are graded in accordance with their quality and packed in different containers before
supplying to the retailers. In this manner, the wholesaler performs important marketing functions of
grading and packing.
iv) Transportation;
The wholesalers purchase goods from manufacturers and carry them to his
godowns and then supply the same to the retailers. He may employ his own vans or hire vehicles for carrying the
goods on account of bulk purchases.
They can avail of economies in freight.
i) Close Supervision; The small scale
business owner can himself supervise the
details of the business. Nobody will be
allowed to spoil machinery or waste
ii) Economical Management: It is
unnecessary to engage large staff. Verbal
messages will take the place of written
orders which are generally half
understood. No elaborate accounts need
be kept.
iii) Personal Attention to Customers: The
small scale businessman sends away his
customers perfectly satisfied. He
personally attends to their orders and at
once removes difficulties and
misunderstandings. Personal contact is
pleasant and profitable.
iv) Personal Touch with the Employees;
The employer is in constant touch
with his employees in the case of small
scale business. He can promptly attend to
their difficulties or grievances and remove
them without delay.
v) Greater Adaptability; If conditions of
trade change, the small producer can
change his front. He is in a position to
quick decisions. He has to consult nobody
except himself unlike the large scale
Marine insurance is a type of insurance
that covers the loss or damage of ships,
cargo, terminals, and any transport or
cargo by which property is transferred,
acquired, or held between the points of
origin and final destination.
Accident insurance is a form of insurance policy which offers a payout when people
experience injury or death due to an
accident. This type of insurance does not
usually cover negligence, acts
of God, or natural disasters, and the
policy may include restrictions such as
caps on total payouts or restrictions on
payouts for activities deemed risky.
Group insurance is an insurance that
covers a defined group of people, for
example the members of a society or
professional association, or the employees
of a particular employer. Group coverage
can help reduce the problem of adverse
selection by creating a pool of people
eligible to purchase insurance who belong
to the group for reasons other than the
wish to buy insurance, which might be because they are a worse than average
Fidelity Insurance is an agreement
whereby, for a designated sum of money,
one party agrees to guarantee the loyalty
and honesty of an agent, officer, or
employee of an employer by promising to
compensate the employer for losses
incurred as a result of the disloyalty or
dishonesty of such individuals.
Consequential loss insurance cover
business losses that arise from damage to
an insured property. Consequential loss
insurance policies diminish indirect risks
that arise from a situation and are
typically offered in combination with
regular business or property insurance.
Consequential loss is an indirect loss, as
opposed to a loss from a natural disaster
or accident.
Turn over is the total net sales of any business
within a given period of time minus the cost of
goods returned back to the business.
i)Goodwill and reputation of the businessman;-A
businessman with a good reputation,and who has
the good will of being honest,polite,sound public
relations,gives prompt services,always has the
advantage of high customers patronage
ii) Advertising and sales promotion;-Business
that utilizes advertising and sales promotion
extensively records a high rate of turn over than
iii)Pricing techniques;- Business that applies low
pricing techniques enjoys high rate of turnover
than those with high pricing techniques.
iv)Use of credit facilities;-where a businessman
grants credit facilities to customers,he will sale
more,than where credit facilities are not offered
to customers.
v)Location of business;-well located businesses
especially those located in busy centres,hearts
of the cities knonw by such businesses are
bound to record hugh rate of turnover than
vi)Seasonal goods record high rate of turnover
during season and records very low rate of
turnover during off season.
2016-05-03 05:58 (Edited by 2016-05-03 06:01 Unlimitedapps ) · (0)

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