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i)Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants
ii)Commerce helps to increase our standard of living
iii)Commerce links producers and consumers Production is meant for ultimate consumption
iv)Commerce generates employment opportunities
v)Commerce increases national income and wealth
i)Commerce tries to satisfy increasing human wants; Human wants are never ending. They can be classified as 'Basic wants' and 'Secondary wants'.it has made distribution and movement of goods possible from one part of the world to the other.
ii)Commerce helps to increase our standard of living; Standard of living refers to quality of life enjoyed by the members of a society. When man consumes more products his standard of living improves.To consume a variety of goods he must be able to secure them first.
iii)Commerce links producers and consumers Production is meant for ultimate consumption; Commerce makes possible to link producers and consumers through retailers and wholesalers and also through the aids to trade. Consumers get information about different goods through advertisements and salesmanship.
iv)Commerce generates employment opportunities; The growth of commerce, industry and trade bring about the growth of agencies of trade such as banking, transport, warehousing, advertising, etc. These agencies need people to look after their functioning. Increase in production results in increasing demand, which further results in boosting employment opportunities.
v)Commerce increases national income and wealth; When production increases, national income also increases. In a developed country, manufacturing industries and commerce together accounts for nearly 80% of total national income.
i)It requires few sales attendant.
ii)it allows customer to do their shopping in a shop with little sales attendant.
iii)security man stand at the gate of a shop that adopt self service for pilfering.
iv)goods are conspiciously arranged and displayed on the shalves of the shop.
v)goods are neatly arranged and displayed on the shelves in order to encourage impuls buying and increase sales
i)It encourages impulse buying which increase sales
ii)self service quicken customers shopping
iii)self service leads to low price of goods.
iv)it gives customer the chance to make their choice without being confused into buying what they do not want to buy. v)fewer sales assistance have to be employed bore thereby cutting cost.
i)it is used as basis for planning
ii)it is a sign of viability of business enterprises
iii)it gies investors d inside strength of the business organisation
iv)its used in measuring the firms capability in paying its debt

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