i)anticipating hardships belivers are enjoined by peter to
endure suffering with christ like faith
ii)christains should conduct themselves without fear. In
this they might be futher identified with christ who himself
endured suffering
iii)christians should rejoice when suffering for christ sake
because through suffering christians share with christ
iv)No matter what trials christians were to do nothing that
would justify them as criminals
v)anything that we suffer for christ is a privilage not a
vi)do not be ashamed if you suffer as a christian
vii)peter encourages the christians to endure suffering just
as christ did
i)persecution should be regarded as mark of the christian
ii)christ and his apostles are points of reference for
christians when it comes to persecution
iii)pesecution should come to us because we preach christ
iv)pesecution should be received with joy.
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