OluwaTofunmi To host the Xtgem Smiley code on your site, upload the url in the Smiley folder and display it on your site with
include unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/forum/smilies.xt
Copy code Change the path to the smiley in the code ..you can use the same method to host the Xtgem BB code ..get the BB code @
Copy favicon icon code below
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="http://IMAGE-URL"/>
Copy code Get image icons @
http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Tools/icon_menu.html ..More icons @
http://unlimitedapps.xtgem.com/Wapmasta/Tools/icon_menu_2.html ..Alphabet Icons @